Jay Shree Music Society
Jayshree Music Society, established in 2011 is a non-profitable organization that mainly aims at promoting Classical Music. Jayshree Music Society has been working for the development and welfare of music since its establishment. It organizes different creative events and programs for the promotion of Classical Music every month. Peaceeye Guest House is also actively supporting Jay Shree Music Society in organizing such events. To know more our the society, we can visit its official website (www.jayshreemusic.com)
Support Nepal Thalassaemia Society
NTS Blood Transfusion Clinic is situated in the heart of Kathmandu. Thalassaemia is a blood disorder that inhibits a person from producing their own essential red blood cells. There is no cure and a fortnightly transfusion is a patient only hope of staying alive. Our little clinic has become a life line for all the children we care for and a place for families to come together to seek information and share their worries. We offer all our treatment for free allowing many children who otherwise world not have, a chance of life. We run our clinic on a very small budget that is donated by friends, family, social groups, our guests and other kind folks who hear about us. Most of the staff work voluntarily keeping administration costs to a minimum. If you would like to know more you can visit website (www.nepalts.org.uk).
Chef required
If you are interested in being our Peace Eye chef and creating your own menu for a week up to a month just let us know and we will arrange free food and accommodation for you. Please apply by email.
Regular evening music jamming
Morning Yoga
Rishi Poudel, owner of Peace Eye Guest House Invites all guest to join his free morning Yoga class on the rooftop overlooking the splendid Annapurna Mountain Range.
Feel good and limber up ready for your trekking adventures.